What are Daivi Astras?

What are Daivi Astras?
Daivi Astras - the historical equivalent of nuclear weapons.

Updated: July 03, 2023

Daivi Astra, or divine weapons, are mentioned in Hindu mythology and ancient Indian texts, such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These weapons are believed to possess supernatural powers and are often associated with the gods or divine beings.

"Astra" refers to the weapon itself, while "Daivi" signifies its divine origin or nature.

Daivi Astras are typically invoked by reciting specific mantras or hymns that grant the user the ability to wield these powerful weapons. Each weapon is associated with a particular deity, and the user must have the blessings or knowledge of that deity to use the weapon effectively. These divine weapons are thought to possess extraordinary destructive capabilities, and their use often comes with strict ethical guidelines and consequences.

Some notable examples of Daivi Astras include:


A weapon associated with Lord Brahma, the creator god in Hinduism. The Brahmastra is considered one of the most potent and destructive divine weapons, capable of causing massive devastation and annihilating entire armies.

Sudarshana Chakra:

A spinning, disc-like weapon associated with Lord Vishnu. The Sudarshana Chakra is said to be capable of cutting through any obstacle, and Vishnu uses it to protect the universe and maintain dharma (righteousness).


A divine weapon associated with the Naga, or serpent, deities. When invoked, the Nagastra releases numerous serpentine beings that can cause great harm to enemies or engulf them in flames.


Associated with Varuna, the god of water, this weapon can summon torrential rains and floods, causing widespread destruction.


Associated with Vayu, the god of wind, this weapon is said to have the power to unleash fierce winds and storms upon enemies, causing widespread destruction.

Sammohan Astra:

A unique weapon with the ability to bewitch and enchant opponents, making them lose their sense of direction and consciousness. This Astra can confuse enemies and render them incapable of fighting.

Brahmashirsha Astra:

An even more powerful version of the Brahmastra, the Brahmashirsha Astra, is believed to be capable of causing apocalyptic destruction. It can only be used by those with the highest spiritual and moral purity level.

Anjalika Astra:

This divine weapon is associated with Arjuna, one of the central characters in the Mahabharata. The Anjalika Astra is a celestial arrow that possesses immense destructive power and was used by Arjuna to kill the antagonist Karna in the epic battle of Kurukshetra.


Another divine weapon associated with Lord Vishnu, the Narayanastra, is said to create a shower of celestial weapons that can annihilate any adversary. Once invoked, it cannot be stopped or countered.

Agni Astra:

Associated with Agni, the god of fire, this weapon can summon flames and firestorms to incinerate enemies and cause widespread devastation.


This powerful weapon is associated with Lord Shiva, the god of destruction and transformation. The Pashupatastra is one of Hindu mythology's most potent and destructive weapons. It can only be acquired through rigorous penance and devotion to Lord Shiva. Once invoked, it has the power to eradicate anything in its path, and no other divine weapon can counter it.


This Astra is associated with Lord Vishnu and is considered the most potent weapon after the Pashupatastra. The Vaishnavastra can destroy any target, regardless of any protection or countermeasures. The weapon is described as an unstoppable force and can be used by those devoted to Lord Vishnu.


This divine weapon is linked to the celestial beings known as Gandharvas. The Gandharvastra is said to be able to immobilize and disarm opponents by casting them into a deep sleep, making them unable to fight.


The divine battle-axe is associated with Lord Parashurama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Parashu is known for its ability to cut through any material, symbolizing the eradication of evil and the upholding of dharma.


The divine trident associated with Lord Shiva represents the three fundamental aspects of existence: creation, preservation, and destruction. The Trishula is a powerful weapon that can destroy anything in its path.

It's important to note that these divine weapons are part of mythology and should be understood as allegorical or symbolic expressions of spiritual and moral concepts rather than literal objects or technologies.